Bappenas & USAID Finalize Internship Program for West Papua Civil Servants

JAKARTA – The Center for Development, Education, and Training of Planners (Pusbindiklatren) at the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas has completed an internship program for civil servants, which was a collaboration with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) involving the West Papua Provincial Government. 

The program, which took place between October and November 2023 in Jakarta, involved 18 Civil Servants (ASN) representing various Regional Apparatus Organizations in the districts and provinces of West Papua. "This internship program is crucial to support the Master Plan for Accelerating Development in Papua and also to align development plans between the central and regional governments through the implementation of the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD)," said the Acting Secretary of the Ministry of National Development Planning/ Bappenas Taufik Hanafi on Thursday (2/11).

Access to internships for civil servants in the eastern regions of Indonesia is relatively limited due to high competition and disparities in national civil servant quotas and capacities. As the first batch, West Papua’s Regional Civil Servants are expected to further support the optimization of targeted Special Autonomy funds, which aim to accelerate the improvement of community welfare, especially the Indigenous Papuans. "The collaborative internship program initiative between ASN and USAID is a positive step in accelerating capacity building for regional governments in Papua," expressed the Head of Bappenas’ Pusbindiklatren, Wignyo Adiyoso.

During the same event, USAID Director Jeff Cohen expressed appreciation for the collaboration between the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Home Affairs for the on-the-job training program initiated in 2022, which is expected to continue until 2027. The program aims to enhance governance capacities and community participation in regional development, especially in the provinces of Papua and West Papua. After completing the internship program, all participants will return to their respective regions to implement the action plans developed at the end of the program. "We hope that the participants of this program can apply this valuable experience to advance reforms and development in Papua," stated Director Cohen.